Yumi Sugimoto is a famous artist in Japan. He has a sexy body, beautiful face. I try to make a sketch face yumi Sugimoto.

Actually this sketch is not complete but have been lazy to continue because, simply upload.

As this result:Yumi Sugimoto Sketch
Look the picture :
You can see more detail all sketch, you can visit my site at : http://arumitasakurajuni.com/karyaku.html

Now this time i post my sketch. She is a girl that play on movie The Girl Next Door. Enjoy my sketch :

Elisha CuthbertFree sketch for you, If you want to create sketches, please send a photo to this email :

I can not give a guarantee when finished sketches made.

Just try to learn and study how to make sketch and someday have a power to make a art.

Look this picture of cecilia cheung :cecilia cheung sexy

and you can see this sketch :sketch cecilia cheung

You can find another sketch artist. This is my sketch and art. Thanks for you attention.


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